Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2006-040
From: Nadine Padilla
Affiliation: VP, Investor Relations Biosite Incorporated

November 27, 2006

I am writing to express concern with the proposed changes to the Nasdaq pricing structure. We recently received notice of fee increases that strongly suggested these increases are linked to new services offered by the exchange. By raising fees in part or wholly as a result of added features, Nasdaq is implicitly pressuring listed companies to use products and services that they may not want or need. For example, if a company opts for a vendor of press releases other than PrimeZone then it is essentially double-paying for a service. The bundling of services is unfair and reduces our ability to select the providers who offer products that best fit our needs. Additionally, by pressuring companies to use the exchange's services the proposed rule change will effectively stifle competiton.

Please reject this proposal.