Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2006-46
From: Stephen C Wilson
Affiliation: License Holder NYSE

August 9, 2006

Nancy M. Morris
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Re:File No. 2006-46Proposal to revise equity
transaction fees.

Dear Ms. Morris,
I am writing the commission in response to the proposal to revise the transaction fees on the NYSE.I strongly urge you not to approve this arbitrary fee structure.
I have been an independent broker at the NYSE since 1992, and have many customers that rely on my services.
If the proposal is approved, my transaction costs will increase dramatically, possibly putting my business in financial peril.
I provide a valuable service to the financial community and would like to continue to do so. Do not let the NYSE management close my doors with this ill conceived proposal.
Respectfully submittted,
Stephen C. Wilson
Badge #139