Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2006-040
From: Michael Walsh
Affiliation: Principal, Investor Relations Associates

December 7, 2006

As a practioner that will be utilizing these services, I have been contacted by the "flak wires" stating that including services in the listing fees is something that is so bad the world is coming to an end. I fail to understand their reasoning. I work with NASDAQ and NASDAQ-hopeful companies and I see this as a way to help promote competiton, increase the ability on the user end to facilitate negotiation on behalf of my clients, and help make my life a little easier. While I do not currently utilize the NASDAQ wire service, I have spoken with a number of practitioners that use the company that NASDAQ bought. I have heard nothing but great things about them. The fact the the others are complaining so hard makes me wonder why they are so afraid of this so called "minor player" in the wire industry. I need to check them out myself. I appreciate the fact that these letters from PR Newsire and Business Wire helped bring a new player to my attention. This was one of the only industries that I have ever known that didn't have any competiton. I guess that PR Newswire and Business Wire don't like competiton. All I can say is that I'm all for anything that will help provide me more value for less price. Way to go NASDAQ As a small shop that always needs to hustle, I appreciate any help I can get.