
The Commission is amending its rules to delegate to the General Counsel its authority to designate officers in authorized investigations conducted by the Office of General Counsel. The Office of General Counsel of the Commission has the authority to conduct authorized investigations under Section 21 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78u) of possible violations by attorneys of the Commission Rules of Practice. In connection with these investigations, it may be necessary from time to time to amend the formal orders to add or remove officers designated to conduct the inquiry. A delegation of authority to the General Counsel to designate officers would spare the Commissioners and their staffs from having to review matters in which the Commission has already issued an order and which implicate no policy issues. This would allow the General Counsel to designate additional officers to take testimony and conduct investigations in those matters or similarly remove officer designations as may be necessary. This authority is identical to that granted to the Director of the Division of Enforcement with respect to authorized investigations conducted by that Division.