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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Roundtable on Fair Value Accounting Standards

Kurt N. Schacht, JD, CFA
Managing Director, Centre for Financial Market Integrity of CFA Institute

Kurt N. Schacht, JD, CFA, is the Managing Director, Centre for Financial Market Integrity of CFA Institute (formerly known as the Association for Investment Management and Research®). He is responsible for all aspects of the Centre's efforts to develop, promulgate, and maintain the highest ethical standards for the investment community including CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, Global Investment Performance Standards®, CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards, and CFA Institute Soft Dollar Standards®. He directs the Centre's efforts to represent the views of investment professionals to standard setters, regulatory authorities, and legislative bodies worldwide on issues that affect the practice of financial analysis and investment management, education, and licensing requirements for investment professionals, and the efficiency of global financial markets. Prior to joining CFA Institute Mr. Schacht has been involved in the investment management business since 1990, serving as chief operating officer for a retail mutual complex in White Plains, NY, general counsel and COO for a Manhattan based hedge fund and as chief legal officer for the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) in Madison, WI. Mr. Schacht has an extensive background in alternative investment partnerships, hedge funds and corporate governance matters, helping to establish a national reputation for the governance program at SWIB. He currently serves on the Proxy Committee of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), the Advisory Committee for Small Public Companies of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Expert Group for Principles for Responsible Investment of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and was the New York Society of Security Analysts 2004 Volunteer of the Year. Schacht received his B.S. in Chemistry (1976) and a JD (1983) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a CFA charterholder since 1998.



Modified: 07/07/2008