Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee — Market Quality Subcommittee
Summary Minutes of August 30, 2016 Meeting
The Market Quality Subcommittee held a call on August 30, 2016, to finalize the Subcommittee’s preliminary recommendations.
The call convened at approximately 1:00 p.m. via telephone. The following Subcommittee members were on the call:
Matt Andresen
Reginald Browne
Ted Kaufman
Mehmet Kinak
Eric Noll
Maureen O’Hara
The following staff from the Division of Trading and Markets joined the call:
David Shillman
John Roeser
Vince Vuong
Arisa Kettig
The following staff from the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis also joined the call:
Claudia Moise
The first order of business was a discussion to finalize the Subcommittee’s preliminary recommendations regarding limit-up/limit-down, market-wide circuit breakers, and the market opening.
The next order of business was a discussion regarding next steps and process for addressing additional topics the Subcommittee may consider including, ETF market making and small cap market structure.
The meeting concluded at approximately 1:30 p.m.