Date: 01/30/2000 4:47 PM Subject: SR-NYSE-99-47 Regarding Proposed rule by the sec SR-NYSE-99-47 Why is this ruling even being considered? I am not new to this profession (daytrading), yet I am able to make a decent living out of my account, with a 2:1 margin. I have excellent instruction and guidance, I spend several hundred dollars per month on data, education, and coaching, and have spend even more on learning programming and purchasing and configuring all the technical equipment. Initially I lost 60k learning to daytrade under the assumption that this opportunity would not be removed. I spent 3 years studying and trading. In the last year I have stopped losing and started making money. Now this rule change threatens what I have worked so hard to achieve. We (the public) do not need legistlation to protect us from ourselves. In my humble opinion we need freedom to choose and compete using the same rules and regulations that the rich and the market making firms have. If a firm does not want to grant an individual margin priviledges then that is that firms business, that is what America was built on. To attempt to regulate in this manner is not in the spirit of a level playing field and restricts the freedom of the individual to pursue their goals. What talent, what potentially great traders and future contributions to our society will be jeopardized if you persue this unfair legislation? I am 36 years old and have spent a great deal of my adult life learning to be very good at what I do (trading). I love what I do with a passion. I gave up my job of 9 years at Texas Instruments on Jan 1, 2000 to be a fulltime daytrader. I will be very dissapointed if you don't reject this legistlation. It is obviously written for the market making firms to remove me from their domain so they can go back to fleecing the public without competition to keep them honest. This legistlation in my opinion is wrong.It is very wrong. Please don't support it and encourage those who you have influence on to not support it as well. My fate is in your hands. I spent years and tens of thousands of dollars for this education in the markets that I now posess. I pray you and your colleagues won't remove my opportunity to trade freely in the greatest country in the world. Regards, Joe David Wheeler