Date: 01/31/2000 5:52 PM Subject: Comments to File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 Sirs, The proposed rule changes, specifically raising the cash account requirements from $2,000 to $25,000 are discriminatory to the small investor and encourage them to place a larger portion of their assets in a daytrading account. Indeed, the change to raise investors to margin buying power from 2:1 to 4:1 gives small investors more rope to hang themselves. Under your proposed change, a typical investor who now places $5,000-10,000 of his or her investment portfolio in a daytrading account will be "required" to place $25,000 in a daytrader account, forcing these traders to place a substantially larger percentage of their assets in a daytrading account, and encouraging them to trade in larger volumes and place a larger percentage of their portfolio and assets at risk. Let's look at the typical small investor with $100,0000 portfolio. The $10,000 they currently trade is a relatively small percentage of their overall investment portfolio. If they are required to have $25,000 on deposit to trade on margin, they will have to place 2.5 times more capital in their account, increasing the percentage of their daytrading portfolio from 10% to 25% of their overall portfolio. And under your proposed margin rule change, their 4:1 margin account "encourages" them to trade stock representing 100% of the value of their overall portfolio. This is nonsense!!!! Your proposed rule changes substantially increases the risk to the small investor, by encouraging them to place a larger portion of capital at risk. Thank you for your consideration. Rich Stucky