Subject: Release No. 34-42343, File No. SR-NYSE-99-47 Date: 02/10/2000 11:02 AM I'm writing to address the dangerous proposal regarding new margin rules for 'pattern day traders.' Release No. 34-42343, File No. SR-NYSE-99-47 This proposal is seriously flawed and would do considerable harm to out prospering economy as well as my latest and most-lucrative career (that of a 'pattern day trader'). In the recent past technological improvements have fueled the greatest economic expansion in our history and these improvements have opened Wall Street's door to the general citizenry. These markets have their own rules and can set them as they wish yet some have proposed a Federal limit on trading activity and margin rules. This type of activity is the polar opposite of the spirit and word of the US Constitution. Trading limits and margin loans are the concern of stock brokerages exclusively. Liberty and freedom of trade are the concern of the Federal Government. This proposal seeks Federal limits on the activities of US citizens participating in an open market. This limitation is not the business of the Federal Government. Such a limit would be painfully counterproductive at best, and dangerously de-stabilizing at worst, not to mention un-constitutional. Please take this proposal very seriously and examine the ramifications of the Federal Government restricting brokerages from issuing margin loans as they wish. The beauty of this country is the freedom, for which our forefathers died. This freedom is evident in the openness of today's financial markets and the opportunity found therein. The current proposal seeks to limit that opportunity, a concept that is patently un-American. I do hope you will reject Release No. 34-42343, File No. SR-NYSE-99-47. Thank you, David Birkenstock