Subject: SR-NASD-98-21 Date: 5/8/98 5:17 PM May 8, 1998 Mr. Jonathan Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 RE: SR-NASD-98-21 Dear Mr. Katz: As a public customer of the NASDAQ market, I would like to voice my objection to extending the Actual Quote Size rule to all stocks in the NASDAQ market. The minimum quote rule has negatively impacted the liquidity of the stocks in the pilot program. The ability of market makers to use 100 share lots on ECNs to effectively kick out orders or make getting filled in larger orders much more difficult than in the past is definitely not in the best interest of individual investors, or the market as a whole. The big fallacy that it has not impacted the spreads or liquidity in these stocks is inane. The reason the "official" spreads have not widened is due to ECNs that are showing 100 or 200 shares being alone on the bid or offer. The "effective" spread for anyone needing to get into or out of 500 or more shares of that stock is actually much greater than before, because after their first 100 shares are filled the next 400 or more come at the next price level, thus creating a wider "effective" or actual spread. If this program is extended to more inherently illiquid stocks, of which much of the NASDAQ market is made up of, it will make many of these stocks not even worth trading to me personally due to their lack of liquidity. Thank you in advance for considering my opinion. Sincerely, Patrick Vescovo 2322 Matador Circle Austin, TX 78746