From: Jake Barrett [] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:34 AM To: Cc: Subject: sec release# 34-47365 (DTC-2003-02) Jake Barrett PO Box 34579 Ft Buchanan, PR 00934 March 13, 2003 Mr. William H. Donaldson, Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Dear Mr. Chairman: Last week in President Bush’s address to the nation he made a point to thank the millions of citizens who were praying for him. I want you to know that I am not only praying for our President but yourself as well. I am praying that you will have the courage to do what has to be done to correct the present abuses in the market in order to help restore investor confidence. I am praying that you are strong enough to stand up to those whose sole motivation is greed. I am praying that the epitaph you wish to be remembered by is that under your watch the playing field was leveled so that the small investor and the small company were provided the opportunity to grow and prosper if they worked diligently. I am but one of millions of small investors who chose to invest in one of the many small companies which have been targeted by naked shorters. For the past several years many companies like the one I invested in have been driven out of business with the only winner being the offshore naked shorter. The losses to companies and investors must be in the billions, to say nothing about the jobs lost, while the proceeds generated for those shorting have been tax free. One only has to look at who sits on the Boards of Directors for the NASD and the DTC to quickly realize that the fox is guarding the henhouse. The SEC has received thousands of complaints about naked shorting and so far seems to have turned a blind eye to the issue. On behalf of the millions of hard working investors who have lost billions of dollars and are being raped daily by the system as it presently exists, I pray that you are inspired to promptly make changes which will help restore some integrity to the marketplace. Sincerely, //s// Jake Barrett PCBM holder of stock __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online