MessageFrom: Richard Mangiarelli [] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 5:12 PM To: Cc: Subject: File No. SR-DTC-2003 03 DTC, Naked Shorting I wish to lodge formal opposition to the Depository Trust Corporation's requested rule change to prevent issuers from exiting the DTC's electronic clearing and book entry system. Currently an issuer has the ability to withdraw from the DTC system and trade on a certificate bases only. With this method an issuer is able to defend against a market makers or brokers "naked short" position and combat the market makers ability to influence the share price downward. Naked short selling undermines real shareholder ownership, devaluates the trading prices of shares in the marketplace and artificially inflates share ownership. Please DO NOT grant the DTC's request for a rule change to prevent issuers from exiting the DTC's electronic clearing and book clearing system. Respectfully, Richard Mangiarelli President & CEO Cybertel Communications Corporation OTC-BB CYTP