From: rick hallas [] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 5:21 PM To: Subject: Re: BOX - SR-BSE-2002-15 Gentlemen: I am all for approval of the new BOX. I think it's a great idea. It's a great thing for "the little guy" to possibly get price improvement on option transactions. Oftentimes stocks, even high priced stocks, have a spread of only a penny between the bid and ask, and yet options on these stocks often have spreads of 20 to 30 cents and more which as you know works out to $20 to $30 per option. It is a bad and dangerous thing to buy an option for $300 plus commission and immediately be "down" $20 plus two commissions because the bid is $280. It would be wonderful to be able to execute trades between $280 and $300 on that option, and if the BOX with its PIP can offer me that opportunity, I say "Hooray! Let's do it!" Richard Hallas Clovis, CA