From: Carl Erikson [] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 11:32 PM To: Subject: Re: BOX - SR-BSE-2002-15 This e-mail is in regards to the proposed BOX exchange. As an individual investor, I am tired of the SEC making and enforcing rules that eliminate competition from the markets. Some recent examples are the SEC's "pattern day-trader" rule and the rule to disallow the Island ECN from displaying QQQ, SPY, and DIA quotes. These examples have hurt me personally as an individual investor and the SEC has not been doing a good job of its stated goal: " The primary mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets. " Out of all the exchanges, the options exchanges currently have the most restrictions in place to prevent individual investors from competing on an even playing field. All of these restrictions do not "protect investors" nor do they "maintain the integrity of the securities markets." In fact, most of these restrictions are contrived rules to make sure the options market makers have an unfair advantage. As an individual investor, I am asking the SEC the approve the BOX (Boston Options Exchange) promptly as it will finally make options trading a fair and level playing field. Currently I do not trade options for the sole reason that I will not support exchanges that do not promote competitive and transparent trading. With the introduction of BOX, I will consider trading options. The SEC should remain true to their stated goal and approve the BOX promptly. Thanks for your time, Carl Erikson