From: Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:37 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-36-02 Dear SEC Secretary, I strongly support the SEC's proposed rule to require mutual fund companies to disclose how they vote on corporate proxy resolutions, which often deal with issues of concern to me as a mutual fund owner. Without public disclosure, I am in no position to hold the manager of my mutual funds accoutable. I want potential conflicts of interest exposed. I want to know what principles will guide the mutual fund in determining how it votes in corporate proxy contests. As a mutual fund owner, it is not unreasonable for me to know how my proxy is being voted. I urge the SEC to stand up for investors , for corporate accountability, and for the principal of open and trustworthy markets, and to vote in favor of the proposed proxy voting rule. Peter Golio 2060 N. Berendo St. Los Angeles, CA 90027