Date: 03/21/2000 4:39 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure) Aye, as a small, individual investor I'm all in favor of this proposal. The selective disclosure of companies has always seemed to me inconsistent with the principles of laissez-faire/rational economics that the markets in this country are supposedly based on. I see more freely equitable and available information as a stabilizing influence ... the marketplace behaves more rationally the more "perfect" its information. As for Mr. Kaswell's dissenting concerns that "the proposal will end up restricting the flow of information rather than encouraging it by imposing detailed rules on companies, investors and analysts" ... horse-pucky! Nearly every company out there has a website, and even if they don't, it doesn't seem to hamper them when they need to contact us about proxies, new investments, stock re-purchases, etc. Funny how the increased availability of the internet hasn't decreased the amount of mass-mailings or cold-calls ... hmmm ... a topic for another day perhaps. Thanks for listening, Marjorie Wilder