Author: "John Vigants" Date: 03/21/2000 9:27 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD I wish to add my voice in urging the SEC to continue leveling the playing field for all investors by eliminating the selective disclosure of information by companies to analysts and other Wall St. insiders. The internet age has ushered in a new reality of investors that have access to the information and markets necessary to handling their own investments. It is a consequence of this evolution that the old school, full-service brokerage industry will eventually wither - left with only that segment of the market which is absolutely determined to have their hands "held". Or perhaps the full-service brokerage industry is adapting to these changes - devolving into an insider information laundering racket, pandering to those with the financial wherewithal to pay the price for advanced information. It would be tragic if the credibility of the North American equities markets were compromised in order to maintain a status quo which is neither fair nor sustainable.