Date: 03/29/2000 2:40 PM Memo Re: SEC rule on disclosure This e-mail is to add my support to National Federation of Press Women President Vivien Sadowski's position in favor of continued press announcements on insider trading disclosures. As a working news reporter and chair of NFPW's First Amendment Committee, I feel it is very important to keep vital information such as this as openly and widely disseminated as possible. Company websites should post the information but other avenues continued such as press releases, and distribution to mainstream wire services, such as the Associated Press, and perhaps through legal notices. Information such as that which with you are dealing is very important to citizens in making decisions that effect their very livelihood and future financial well-being. It is not too much to ask to require widespread distribution of such. Thank you for your attention to this very important First Amendment issue. Marsha Shuler, president, Louisiana Press Women chair, NFPW First Amendment.