Date: 12/16/1999 9:43 AM Subject: Fair Disclosure I am an independent security analyst. It is critical that corporate information be available to the investing public as soon as it is available, and that it be disseminated as widely as possible and as soon as it is released. The technology that makes this practicable already exists and is widely available. There is no reason why major brokerage house analysts and investment bankers--already cozy with management---should have any edge on the public in having access to what is too often inside information. Whispered "guidance" to favored analysts and firms, where estimates of corporate performance are leaked, is inexcusable. Your Chairman is right on regarding selective dissemination of material information being fundamentally unfair. Open up the press conferences. Make them interactive. Put them on the internet in real time. Stick to your guns on this one. The markets are corrupt enough as things stand. In our democracy, it serves the public interest to get the information out there and let all investors and those who purport to serve them compete openly and above board at getting at the truth behind management's too-often self serving numbers. Patrick Sheehan