Date: 12/17/1999 7:46 PM Subject: Level Playing Field Arthur Levitt, Chairman Securities Exchange Commission Re: Selective Disclosure Congratulations to the SEC for addressing an issue all too evident to the little guy struggling to get timely information about companies' finances and upcoming actions at the same time some favored brokers and institutional investors do. I thought there was little hope for anyone doing something about this obvious but heretofore unaddressed issue. Someone has finally told the emperor about his clothes. It is the most frustrating situation to be faced when attempting to research companies in order to make an investment only to find in many cases your hunch was correct but too late now to afford to invest because the company's stock price had jumped dramatically. It's a patently unfair circumstance not to be tolerated. Thank you for addressing the problem. I applaud your work. Stick with your position. Best of luck in your effort to beat the lobby that will undoubtedly oppose your effort to enact new rules. I am willing to correspond with my congressional delegation from New Jersey to support your work, if necessary. An email message will set my support in motion. Lloyd Newbaker