Date: 03/29/2000 9:51 AM Subject: Regulation FD comment - File No. S7-31-99 Gentlemen/Ladies: I am an investor in American companies, and as such I am morally entitled to the same information that anybody else receives. There is already so much conflict of interest in the securities busines..... bankers and stock-brokers enriching themselves while purporting to represent their clients. Strictly speaking, those professionals should be enjoined from dealing in the securities that they buy and sell for others, but that is unlikely to happen. BUT AT LEAST LET'S TRY TO LEVEL THE PLAYNG FIELD A BIT, AND GIVE EVERYBODY THE SAME ACCESS TO IMPORTANT CORPORATE INFORMATION. It's outrageous to think that insiders, bankers and brokers might have access to information that we the general public is denied. I strongly support any legislation that would make it a criminal act to disclose corporate information on a selective basis. Norman Morrison US citizen based in Cape Town, South Africa ----------------------------------------------------------------- A True Story: Albert Einstein was once asked if anything more powerful than the H-bomb could ever be created. "It already has been," he replied. "It's called Compound Interest!" -----------------------------------------------------------------