Date: 12/18/1999 6:47 AM Subject: RE:Proposed Regulation FD The Proposed Regulation FD is a matter whose time is long overdue. One must remember the original mandates of the S.E.C. when it was first established in the early 1930's. A main objective of the Commission was to establish guidelines for the fair representation of financial statements and related information for publicly traded companies. This basic investor right is undermined if information is not delivered in a timely and fair manner. Currently, a hierarchy is in place giving selected entities an unfair advantage for important information at the expense of others. Obviously, this is antithetical to the intentions of the Commission. I question the motives of such influential people as the general counsel of the Securities Industry Association, Stuart Kaswell. Mr. Kaswell is "concerned the proposal will end up restricting the flow of information rather than encouraging it by imposing detailed rules on companies, investors and analysts". I applaud Mr. Kaswell's apparent concern for investors. However, contrary to Mr. Kaswell's statement, the proposition would do nothing to restrict the flow of information. In fact the regulation would increase the flow of information to all interested parties in a more timely and fair manner. Furthermore, the status quo infers that some parties are more worthy or capable of handling material disclosures than others. It appears self-evident that his argument holds no water and clearly undermines the good of the investment community. Mr. Kaswell does not represent my views as an investor nor, I would suspect, does he represent the views of the majority of independent investors. I strongly urge the Commission to enact this regulation and enforce it rigorously. It's an idea whose time was here nearly seventy years ago. Steven L. Lopata, C.P.A. Senior Accountant Transcap Associates, Inc.