Date: 03/23/2000 10:53 PM Subject: Full Disclosure Rules Dear Sirs, As the financial markets get more open they become closer to the ideal of being a place where "fair value" exists for every investor. Any move that opens the information flow from companies to the public is welcome. If selective financial or brokerage firms have advance information,they are the same position as a company insider. If a company releases information selectively then they are giving a few individuals a time advantage in the market Even a small amount of time differential on information release in this very dynamic market is of significant advantage. With the growth of Internet facilitated investing any time advantage is magnified. If analysts want advanced information let them go to the company in person and discuss the operations and financial implications. At least they would form individual opinions. The concept of trust and the resulting actions are very important to market behavior. As the owner or potential owner of a company I want have trust in the management. Regards, Bill Lawless