Date: 03/21/2000 11:28 AM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD: G. Karpf's comments on To Whom It May Concern: First I would like to applaud the SEC for addressing and opening up for debate the issue of selective disclosure. It is a loophole to the insider trading regulations that is long overdue for correction. Despite anything the Securities Industry Association ("SIA") may have to say on the subject, selective disclosure ALWAYS RESULTS IN INSIDER TRADING. It would be gross naivete to think otherwise. Those privy to the disclosures can and do trade based on that inside information and materially profit from it. As the SEC has correctly stated in its Fact Sheet of Dec 15, 1999, "Those privy to selectively disclosed information have an unfair advantage over other investors, who learn of the information only if and when the issuer later makes full public disclosure. By that time, the information often has resulted in a significant change in the share price or higher than usual trading volume." To argue the above or offer evidence in its support would be a pointless endeavor. The truth it contains is entirely self evident. Selective disclosure is a euphemism for inside information. It is high time to eliminate this unfair advantage granted the large investment houses. In closing, I urge the SEC to withstand what I am sure is to be a storm of protest by those with vested interests in selective disclosures; namely, the large investment houses. And who could blame them for complaining when millions of dollars worth of competetive advantage are stripped away. Any arguments they may put forth against Regulation FD will be disengenuous at best and outright lies at worst. Regulation FD should be implemented as soon as possible in its undiluted form as it is set forth in the SEC's Fact Sheet. Respectfully Yours, Glenn Karpf Private Investor