Date: 12/20/1999 12:47 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Dear Madam or Sir: I am writing to voice my support for the SEC's Proposed Regulation FD. As an individual investor who actively manages a portfolio of individual stocks accumulated by my husband and me over the last 10 years, I regularly listen to quarterly earnings reports and all analyst conference calls from companies in which I invest when they are made available to the public. Companies such as Intel, Cisco Systems, and Oracle have been making this information available for years, either by taped replays available by phone or company website, or by live webcasts. This information is invaluable to me. For a long time I have thought that companies who put on "Road Shows" for the benefit of a select group of analysts do a disservice to investors such as myself. I have found it difficult to understand why it is legal for a certain portion of the investment community to be provided valuable information about a given company before it is made available to the public. To me this practice is nearly the equivalent of insider information. As I understand it, the Proposed Regulation FD would eliminate these inequities, and I support its adoption. Sincerely, Susan L. Arnberg