From: Mary Harvey [] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:13 PM To: Cc: Subject: File No. S7-26-03 Dear Sirs, I am a small individual mutual funds investor. I have no inside information. I don't time the market. I do trade. That's what a small investor does. Sometimes I make a wrong choice or even change my mind. Please don't penalize me by encouraging the mutual fund companies to hide behind a rule from you and charge me unreasonable fees if I don't hold a fund for six months. You can stop the cheating by short term day timers by imposing the high fees for just that--trades in and out in just a few days. Make it 3% or even 5% fee for short trades but keep the time period under 2 weeks. You would fix the problem and not cause another one. Please don't cripple me, I have enough problems already. Leave the market free and unloaded. Please let me hear from you. Sincerely, Joseph M. Harvey