Date: 05/08/2000 7:52 AM Subject: Re: File No. S7-25-99 Jonathan Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-0609. As an existing financial Planner (CFP), Investment Adviser (RIA) and Registered Representative (Series 7, 24, 63) I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed rule. It is a bad idea to add complexity by creating more levels of expertise. It will also hurt the investing public by allowing a lower standard for what amounts to investment advisory when what really is being done is brokerage (transaction based activity). While this rule could potential make my regulatory life easier (I could give up my RIA and still be able to give investment advice), I no long term benefit to the general investing public nor the professional status of the financial services industry. I urge you to please reconsider and end this rule now. Respectfully, James L. Losey Jr., CFP, CLU