From: Judy Miller, CFP [] Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:08 PM To: Subject: File S7-25-99 To the SEC members considering the rule that "Certain Broker-Dealers Deemed Not To Be Investment Advisers." I am a sole practitioner striving to serve the public. I disclose how I am compensated and tell my clients the fiduciary standards I uphold. I meet with people who have had broker-dealers make recommendations to them that purportedly served their financial planning goals and who have later discover how ill-served they were by these planning suggestions. I wholeheartedly oppose this rule. Broker-dealers and their representatives should be required to meet uniform standards for the conduct of the financial planning profession. I request that you withdraw this rule. Sincerely, Judy C. Miller, CFP(R) Judy Miller Certified Financial Planner Certified College Planning Specialist College Solutions 510-521-5400 Making College Affordable...Expanding College Choices