Date: 12/15/97 8:30 AM Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20549 Regarding: File No. s7-25-97 Dear Mr. Katz: Last May I attended the Maxxam Corporations shareholder meeting. As a member of the shareholder resolution contingent I was treated respectfully, and my words and ideas were listened to. However, this action by concerned shareholders was only a modest beginning in the ongoing effort to improve the environmental and economic responsibility of Maxxam Inc. In an era where corporations dominate democracy few routes remain whereby concerned members of this society can elevate the level of responsibility and care for our planet, ourselves and our future. Therefore, I write to strongly oppose the proposed changes in the rules governing shareholder resolutions. These changes would make it much harder to sponsor shareholder proposals addressing environmental concerns. First, by increasing the percentage of votes a resolution must win to be resubmitted, the new rules would make it hard to build support over time. Second, the new rules would allow company's to refuse to include a resolution on the proxy statement if, in management's sole judgment, a resolution's sponsors are motivated by a special interest, including, apparently, a special interest in the environment. From a purely financial standpoint, companies that improve environmental performance tend to improve their stock performance as well. If shareholders are not able to encourage companies to act as better environmental stewards, it is not clear who will. The S.E.C. should not be serving corporate interests, rather you should be safeguarding the rights of shareholders and the general public. Corporate accountability must be enforced at many levels if we are to have any hope of achieving a sustainable society which respects human life. I strongly urge you to withdraw the proposed rule changes and permit shareholders to continue productive dialoges with the corporations in which they invest. Sincerely, David T. Smernoff, Ph.D. ------------------------------- David Smernoff 447 Lerida Avenue Los Altos, CA 94024-4017 650-917-6155