Author: Lisa Rothman at Internet Date: 11/24/97 11:07 AM Dear Chairman Levitt: I am writing to voice my strenuous objection to the SEC's new proposed rules (S7 25-97). If adopted, these rules will all but destroy the rights of American shareholders. Please use all your power to stop these proposed rules from going forward. Either let the existing rules stand or develop new rules that better protect shareholders. American shareholders like me are counting on you to safeguard our rights. Don't let these proposed rules be another set of regulations from Washington that favor big business. I applaud the SEC for reversing its Cracker Barrel Decision. But the new SEC rules have retained and strengthened the anti-shareholder policy of the original decision. Reverse Cracker Barrel, but don't let the rest of the proposed rules go forward. Mr. Levitt, don't take away shareholder rights. Please leave a legacy of upholding the rights of American shareholders. Avoid a firestorm over this issue. Stop the SEC's proposed rules from going forward. Sincerely, Lisa Rothman