Subject: S7-25-97 Author: Caleb Kleppner Date: 12/1/97 10:52 AM You should be promoting more shareholder activism, not less. I strongly oppose the proposed Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Rights. I'm sure you're aware of all the arguments in favor of greater shareholder rights, so I won't repeat them here. I read every tenth comment on these proposed rules, and every one opposed the rules. The only people who favor these rules are director and managers of corporations. They have a legal fiduciary obligation, so they are legally prohibited from considering non-financial goals in the operation of their company. Shareholders can and should pursue broader notions of societal well-being, and the shareholder resolution is the principle tool for doing this in the corporate structure. I urge you to reject these proposed rules and move in the opposite direction, toward greater access for shareholders to shareholder resolutions. Your webpage tells us that the SEC is the investor's advocate. The investors are telling you clearly what they want. I request that you honor their desires. Remember that you are the advocate of investors, not of corporations. Sincerely, Caleb Kleppner 1202 Waterview Dr. Mill Valley, CA 94941 415/868-1338 (w) 415/388-1096 (h)