Subject: S7-25-97 unfair Date: 11/17/97 2:56 PM I am very concerned about the proposed regulations (S7-25-97) regarding shareholder resolutions. These new rules would all but take away the small shareholder's rights to have our voices heard and votes counted through corporate shareholder ballots and at annual shareholder meetings. It seems to me that these regulations favor corporate management at the expense of regular Americans. The "over-ride" clause, for example, would require 3% of a company's shares to allow a ballot resolution despite management's objections. For most Fortune 500 companies, that means more than $1 billion worth of stock! I urge you to consider a more reasonable over-ride cap at $10 million. This would ensure access to the shareholder ballot for average shareholders working together to make our voices heard. Please don't take away the small investor's tools for protecting our financial interests in a company. Sincerely, Jonathan W. Brown 3119 E. Denny Way Seattle, WA 98122