Subject: File No. S7-25-97 Date: 11/21/97 8:44 AM ATTN: Jonathan Katz Dear Mr. Katz, I am writing to express my concern about the proposed new rules to govern shareholder resolutions. By raising the thresholds of support a resolution must garner in order to be reintroduced, the new rules weaken shareholder accountability. Even worse, the new rules would grant company management the right to refuse to place a proposed shareholder resolution on a company ballot unless a filer can successfully petition 3% of all shareholders - a nearly impossible task with companies valued in the billions. This change threatens to undermine the accountability of corporations to their stockholders and to the public. Remember that corporate charters were originally granted as privileges, for the purpose of serving the public good, and corporations were intended to serve the public trust. In recent history, shareholders helped push companies toward disinvestment from South Africa, sparking the movement which ultimately broke the country's apartheid regime. I hope to see federal government agencies working to keep large companies accountable to shareholders, rather than undertaking measures that mindlessly follow the agenda of corporate management. Please keep me informed about the outcome of this attempt to dis-empower common stockholders. Sincerely, Andrew J. Adelmann 2211 Elliot Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55404