From: joseph weldon [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:33 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-23-03 SEC, I would like to limit my comments to the issue of "naked" shorting in regards to these rule proposals. First, thank you for finally, publicly, bringing this subject front and center. That being said. I believe all we got here is more "smoke and mirrors" regulation. Rest assured investor's will not let this issue go without proper resolution and fairness on this issue towards investor's. Unfortunately, we find ourselves addressing this issue because of the lack of policing and enforcement of current rules by the SEC. It's apparent that all of wall street has very little respect for the SEC in regards to trading rules. How many years does a problem have to fester before the SEC acts to protect the integrity of the market? The fines and penalties are just the cost of doing business to these organizations involved in this illegal activity. A small portion of the profits realized! How do these new proposals eliminate current naked short positions which you admit exist? What stops the brokers and market makers from "rolling" the shares around to avoid settlement dates? The biggest problem appears to be with the DTCC. What in this proposal addresses their lack of accounting of shares? Let me propose a simple solution to the naked shorting problem. ENFORCE THE RULES! And, send an independent auditor over to the DTCC. Let them locate the share deficiencies you admit exist. Then FORCE a buy in of the shares to even out the naked short positions. The only way to seriously stop naked shorting is to financially hurt the entities that are recklessly doing the shorting. Forcing share buy-ins will prevent just about all future naked shorting! The fact that naked shorting is even a part of the market should be considered an embarrassment to the SEC. It's time for the SEC to stand up! J. Weldon _________________________________________________________________ MSN Shopping upgraded for the holidays! Snappier product search...