From: Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:19 PM To: Subject: (naked short selling - SHO) To:Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Mr. Katz, I am writing in response to the new proposed rules wrt naked short selling. I have been an investor in the OTCBB/pink sheeted market for 5 years and have personal experience with the rapid decline of a stock pricees by naked short sellers. This is NOT liquidity. This is Criminal Abuse and it has gone on for years. Although I applaud your efforts to address this issue...enforcement of affirmative determination has been negligent. The SEC and NASD has known about this since 1999 when over 3000 letters were received complaining about the abuse then. It appears that we have come full circle and the abuse is still here...yet it is being addressed as if it is new item on the agenda. I would ask you many trillions of dollars have investors lost during the last 5 years due to continued negligence by the SEC and the NASD and abuse by the Naked Shirt Sellers? The estimate is nearly $3 Trillion by some sources.