From: Richard Cohen [] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 12:01 PM To: Subject: S7-19-03: To the Commission: On the theory that something is better than nothing, I grudgingly support adoption of the above-referenced de-fanged proposed regulation to give certain shareholders of U.S. public companies minimal rights to vote with respect to the management of the companies they own. Why is the SEC is so timid when it comes to matters of shareholder democracy, fostering a business climate where the SEC's rules make poorly performing boards virtually invulnerable to replacement (e.g., Disney)? The Commission's attempt to spin this cumbersome and minimally useful proposal as a major breakthrough was transparent hokum, as Alan Hevesi and other major public pension fund fiduciaries were quick to point out. I predict it will lead to a very few anecdotal instances of very well-heeled investors gaining minority representation on the very worst boards of companies whose treasuries are too weak to finance effective opposition by the incumbents. Still, something is better than nothing, so please adopt the regulation. Richard W. Cohen Mamaroneck, NY _________________________________________________________________ Gift-shop online from the comfort of home at MSN Shopping! No crowds, free parking.