From: John Ritchie [] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:57 PM To: Subject: (s7-19-03) Corporate Governance Dear Sirs The level of accountability and oversight on Fortune 500 companies and corporations in general is appalling. I recently attended a shareholder meeting of one of the largest semi equipment companies and was dumbfounded at the appalling lack of accountability by the board and the Corporate Officers. There was barely 2 items on the proxy, one of which was the re-election of "old pals" Directors and the sense I got in the meeting was one of, the less said, the better. There was no attempt to allow shareholders a say, nor was there any realistic alternative presented to shareholders than the ones in the proxy. Please consider making these officers accountable. Allow outside representation to find their way on to Boards. Current Boards are merely "puppets" to their corporate insiders and the slightest whiff of dissent will see them gone in a heartbeat. Investors need to see that boards can be populated by folks who will represent their interests and those who will be willing to be naysayers within the "club" and not feel like they risk their place in any re-election ouster. Please put some teeth into the system. Your own credibility and accountability is at stake in this. Regards John K. Ritchie 5327 Ligurian Drive, San Jose, CA 95138