Subject: Profile Prospectus Date: 5/5/97 9:22 AM Good Morning, I have been reading about the possibility that something called profile prospestuses are being considered as substitutes for the full prospectus delivery before fund purchase. I want to be on the record as opposing such a change as it most assuredly will lead to further abuses in the mutual fund industry. Many funds barely consider owner interests today and this change could only make it worse. In my life I have been burned by excesses in the real estate industry and in the selling of limited partnerships. I do not intend to participate in a mutual fund melt-down too. If you (the agency who is supposed to watching out for the public and not the industry) do not protect us from such abuse then you could be participating in, at best, a slowing of public interest in investing in mutual funds, or at worst, another investment debaucle. Hoping you will take an interest in the little guy (but knowing you probably won't), Jim Finley San Jose