Subject: File No. S7-16-98 Author: Mark Lenz Date: 8/15/98 1:56 PM With regards to the amendment of Rule 102(e) of your Rules of Practice, I would like to have a further clarification of the term "negligent conduct" in the excerpt from Rule 102(e) below as it relates to applying judgement in areas of accounting. It is unclear whether a difference in application of judgement when done in a thoughtful manner and with complete information could be treated under this amendment as negligent conduct. Thank you for your consideration. Negligent conduct in the following circumstances: 1.An unreasonable violation of applicable professional standards that presents a substantial risk, which is either known or should have been known, of making a document prepared pursuant to the federal securities laws materially misleading; or 2.Repeated, unreasonable violations of applicable professional standards that demonstrate that the accountant lacks competence.**