Author: James Backus Date: 8/13/98 1:07 PM Subject: S7-16-98 Comments on Proposed Rule Commissioners: The AICPA has brought to my attention your proposed amendment to Rule 102(e) clarifying the professional responsibilities of accountants. While I support the AICPA's comments generally, I am most gravely concerned with laws and regulations that provide government and quasi-government entities extensive opportunities for selective enforcement. They can become a basis for harassment by politicians, regulators, and attorneys in ways not contemplated when they were formulated. In today's litigious environment, hindsight is often the only basis for determining whether an error of judgment occurred. To make accountants liable to third parties for simple negligence, rather than just gross negligence, surely will subject accountants to a much broader scope of litigation. The long-term consequences of such regulation will be to increase audit fees, to increase the need for professional liability insurance and the premiums for it, and to drive qualified persons to alternative occupations. None of these appear justifiable responses to the frustration of the court in in Checkosky decision. I believe the court's frustration would be better served by advocating clearer and simpler legislation. I believe that if a similar standard of conduct were applied to SEC staff and commissioners, with similar financial risks, you would raise similar objections. I would support your position. Please reconsider your changes.