Date: 09/14/2000 9:39 AM Subject: file# s7- 13- 00 To Whom It May Concern: First, let me just say that I agree wholheartedly with the statesman who said, "the best government is the government that governs least." That out of the way, I would like to ask the SEC to work on this legislation, to pass it, and to protect us, the public, thereby. Now I am so new to investing that I don't even have a portfolio yet, but it seems to me that any rule that keeps people honest- especially where money is concerned- is a good rule. If The SEC can make the penalties for breaking the rule harsh enough ( maybe fines of double the amount cheated... or?...[ and put those fines back into the pockets of the public, i.e. social security... or medicare/medicaid... or even our school systems]) then perhaps we can start to trust our financial leaders...maybe even...well, now I'm utopiating... any way- My whole point was to tell the SEC that I WANT THAT RULE!! For What Its Worth, Sincerely, Kara A. Williams