Subject: Re: S7-13-00 Date: 08/21/2000 2:04 PM I support the adopted on the rule proposed by the SEC. I am basically a sole pratictioner CPA with no SEC clients. But it has been my observation that the large CPA firms have allowed their audits to become a commodity and/or a loss leader to capture clients with the real profits to be made by the larger firm's consulting divisions. In my opinion, the tightening of the indepedence rules as proposed by the SEC would serve to put some value back into the audit, so that it would be more valued by the client who would pay a reasonable fee for the performance of an audit, and so that everyone, clients and public, would recognize the higher value associated with an audit as a result of the new proposed rule. I state my opinion on these matters even though as an AICPA member, I have been getting presure from the AICPA management to oppose the SEC rule. Sincerely, David A. Storhaug, CPA Bismarck, ND