September 16, 2000

Steven E. Silva, CPA
649 Perrin Avenue
Lafayette, IN 47904

Mr. Arthur Levitt, Chairman
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0609

RE: File No. S7-13-00

Securities and Exchange Commission, revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements; Proposed Rule

Dear Mr. Levitt:

I am a Certified Public Accountant who has provided audit and consulting services to clients in various industries for nearly twenty years.

The concerns of the SEC regarding audit quality are an issue I can understand. I too am concerned about the quality of audits and auditor independence. My concern for audit quality has motivated me to volunteer a substantial amount of time toward this end. I have been an active member of the Indiana CPA Society Peer Review Committee for the past six years and have participated in the design and implementation of my firm's quality control program.

I am not paid for this time. I could abandon these commitments and spend that time providing valuable billable consulting services for my clients. I continue to support the AICPA and its commitment to quality through self-regulation, not only in word but also in action as a volunteer.

The proposed rule cited above and its related implications will have a far-reaching impact on the accounting and auditing profession, the clients we serve, and the general public.

In addition to the detrimental effects I believe the proposed rule will have on my career, my client's businesses, and the public interest, I believe that the following points demonstrate that the SEC is reacting very strongly to a situation which has no basis in reality:

Yours truly,

Steven E. Silva
Certified Public Accountant
Member of the American Institute of Public Accountants
Member of the Indiana CPA Society
Member of the Institute of Business Appraisers
Member of the Venture Club of Indiana
Member of the American Management Association
Member of the Construction Financial Management Association
Volunteer to the Indiana CPA Society Peer Review Committee
Volunteer to the Indiana CPA Society Leadership Cabinet