Author: at Internet Date: 09/15/2000 2:19 PM Subject: Re: File No. s7-13-00 The proposed rule to not allow independent auditors to also serve as business advisors to their audit clients is not in the best interest of the general public, stockholders, the companies which need both audit and business advisory services or the CPA profession. There are numerous rules and regulations that already govern the profession and the relationship between CPA firms and their clients. I spent approximately 12 years in the audit profession serving as both auditor and business advisor to my clients. In no way was there ever any compromise of objectivity or independence in judgment that would compromise the audit relationship and the opinion as to the fairness of the financial statements. I agree that the general public must always be in a position to rely upon the audited financial statements to make good business decisions. However, this proposed rule would not add any additional value to this process.