Date: 09/20/2000 11:22 AM Subject: S7-13-00 I just wanted to be on record that at least one CPA agrees with your proposal to limit audit companies from non-audit services to audit clients. As a small practitioner I have seen larger firms bid down the cost of audits knowing full well that no profit can be made on the audit because they are making big profits on the other services they are providing to the client. Especially in the govermental audit field, small CPA firms cannot compete because the larger firms only want to cover some of their payroll costs on an audit to keep the client happy and be able to get the non-audit business of consulting or computer related services where they can make a big profit. I think as a result of this practice the audits have suffered and problems encountered in audits are swept under the rug just for the sake of getting the audit out of the way. My firm has completely stopped bidding on audits because we just can't compete with the larger firms. David W. Roberts, CPA