Date: 08/30/2000 2:38 PM Subject: Reference File No. S7-13-00 Dear Madam / Sir: I am writing to you to voice my support for the SEC's Proposed Rule Governing Auditor Independence. First, let me say that I am a long-standing member of the AICPA, and I am appalled by that organization's very vocal opposition to the proposal. The AICPA is clearly being man-handled by the Big-5 accounting firms, who want to ensure that they are allowed to continue selling non-attest services to its audit clients. I have worked in a public accounting firm, running a subsidiary company that provided outsourced accounting services. I can tell you that trying to follow the AICPA's guidelines, governing what functions could or could not be performed for attest clients, was absurd. New, definitive governance is a must. Since the AICPA was unable to do this on its own, it is incumbent upon the SEC to make it happen. One need only look at the MicroStrategy situation to understand the importance of implementing these guidelines. That company's incestuous relationship with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (which amazingly enough, continues to this day), is a case study in a CPA firm not knowing when to stop. The audit firm must be completely independent if we, as investors, stand any chance of making informed decisions about SEC registrants. Please ignore all the negative correspondence you're sure to receive from rubber-stamping, Big-5 members of the AICPA and do what's right for all in the accounting profession -- make your proposal into law! Mark R. McNamee