Subject: Comments on Proposed Rule Regarding Auditor Independence Date: 07/24/2000 9:45 AM Dear SEC: We find the concerns of auditor independence addressed by the proposed rule to be completely valid. While slightly confused as to how the SEC rule "fits in" with the efforts of the ISB, we are nevertheless very pleased to see the proposed rule. We note that continuing to allow auditors to provide tax-related valuation is justified by the fact that the IRS will audit this work. You may find it interesting that the IRS does not hire CPA (Big 5) firms to represent the Service in tax-related valuation disputes, because they are viewed as advocates of the taxpayer. The IRS could probably provide many instances of where valuation positions were taken to benefit the audit client at the expense of objective valuation theory (some of which have been publicized). This is not to question your conclusion regarding tax-related valuations, but only to say that this area provides concrete examples of mutual or conflicting interest on the part of auditors. In other words, your concerns can be demonstrated even beyond "common sense." You mention in the body and Appendix A of the proposed rule many types of valuation and whether each will be allowed as tax-related or not allowed as financial. We would appreciate guidance as to how to classify cost segregation services performed on new construction. This service determines the depreciable life of new assets for tax purposes, but also generates fixed asset listings for book purposes. Thank you, John Lyon Senior Vice President Arthur Consulting Group, Inc. Westlake Village, CA (818) 735-4800