Date: 09/18/2000 12:22 PM Subject: File No. S71300, Auditor Independence My name is Donald S. Hawley, and I am a CPA in Raleigh, North Carolina. My CPA Association faxed me a fact sheet on this topic stating that they believe this proposed change has far reaching negative implications. I am a small one man operation, and I sometimes wonder why the fear, and why the concern about the income stream of the large CPA firms in this country. I wonder if this proposed change will have any real effect. Honesty, morale values, and integrity cannot be written into the laws governing the conduct of auditors. You have to enforce the current laws, not try to make new ones that will only result in bigger games being played down the road. Auditors are being viewed as the first line defense against all kinds of corporate/management (crimes)/irregularities. Why the effort to change the law, instead of enforcing the laws we have and catching the offenders, if any. What do you think will happen if you are successful in changing the rules governing auditor independence? Well, in my opinion, a couple of things could happen, which are negative, but possible. First of all, audit fees will go up. Why, fewer providers of auditing services due to less revenue generating opportunities due to the limitations in place to protect independence. Many middle size firms will get out of the audit field. Which means more for the bigger firms, and higher demand of services from fewer suppliers? You would have increased demand and driven up cost. What a wonderful thing if you are the supplier. Next, I am afraid that the non audit management services that would be provided for the open market would be under the control of a small group of accountants. How would you control referrals? (Example: "Big 14 CPA, Inc." will do all the audits on the North Side and "Big 12 CPA, Inc." will do all the audits on the South Side. "Big 14 CPA, Inc." will refer all the various non-audit services to the "Big 12 CPA, Inc." and "Big 12 CPA, Inc." will do the same for "Big 14 CPA, Inc.") Has anything changed? I know, you are going to tell me that you will catch those guys and stop them from cutting deals behind closed doors. Your intent is noble, but the results would push the big players into a more compromising position. Your objective would not be met, in my opinion, the potential for causing what you are trying to prevent would be higher. Sometimes, doing the right thing cannot be written into the rule book. Look for ways to enforce the laws you have, and try to keep it simple. Again, I am a one man small operation, I am a child wondering around in the woods when it comes to this stuff. So, discard this if you wish. I am only expressing my opinion. Thank God for America, a country where any person can turn on a computer and express their opinion. God Bless You Don