Date: 09/14/2000 1:40 PM Subject: Rule Response file no.S7-13-00 To whom it may concern: As a small accounting firm, I am very concerned about the SEC's proposed change to accounting rules related to services provided by independent auditors. Eventhough your proposed rule only applies to SEC clients and we do not do any SEC work, I am concerned that the same thought pattern will be applied to smaller firms and clients in the future. As a small firm our audit clients generally are small municipalites and regulated businesses. These entities many times can not afford a large sophisticated accounting staff. As such they rely on the auditor to provide management advisory services such as preparing regulatory filings, preparing projections, providing financial analysis on various business opportunities and many other functions. We go to great lengths to be sure that we accumulated and provide data, but do not make any management decisions. It is my opinion that the current rules, followed correctly, protect the public and the clients from independence concerns and that this action by the SEC is unnecessary and burdensome. Please review this proposed rule and reverse any action on this rule. Larry E. Garrett, CPA