Date: 08/26/2000 12:14 PM Subject: Reference File No. S7-13-00 Dear Secretary Katz, I don't know what the large accounting firms did to require you to propose such regulations (proposed rule, 65 Fed. Reg. 43, 148 (2000)), but that's between you and them. However, government agencies rarely keep such regulations at the level of original intention. While such regulations might start out affecting only SEC audits you and I both know it will not stop at that level. Before you know it, every tom dick and harry agency will copycat the regulations, and then it becomes bad regulation. And believe me I can see how such proposed regulations will affect by livelyhood. While General Motors might be able to engage and retain multiple firms to perform their professional services - my clients cannot. Therefore, you are pushing the first domino - doing a disservice to my clients and to me and my firm. Stop the madness. There is no reason for it. If you need a legacy get it someplace else and at someone else's expense. Fred Gale